
Nuwhite Glutathione Review

Price: P1,880/$39.97 (60 softgels)
Where to buy: Available on http://www.skitty.com.ph/

(LATEST UPDATE: March 12, 2018)
Serving Size: 1 softgel
Placenta Extract
Ascorbic Acid
Pomegranate Ellagic Acid


L-Glutathione 700mg:

  • Powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals.
  • Whitens skin by controlling skin pigmentation.
  • Keeps skin healthy and glowing.

Collagen 250mg:

  • Fight and reverses skin-aging process.
  • Reduces wrinkles, fine lines and other unsightly sign of skin aging.
  • Maintains healthy and glowing skin.

Placenta 300mg:

  • Rich source of natural and potent amino acid that is essential for the production of beautiful and healthy skin.
  • Clinically proven effective in skin whitening and skin nourishing an ingredient with cell renewing .
  • Maintains skin healthy and glowing.

Ascorbic Acid 200mg:

  • Aids in skin whitening.
  • Protects skin from free radicals that causes skin damage.
  • Boost immune system.
  • With anti-aging properties.

COQ10 100mg:

  • Power antioxidant that can withstand and reverse skin damage.
  • Preserve collagen and elastin within cells to make skin younger.

Pomegrenate Ellagic Acid 50mg:

  • Protects skin against photoaging.
  • Support skin cell regeneration, promotes healing and prevents cancerous changes due to UV exposure.
  • Clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Effectively lighten and brighten skin.

Why Nuwhite?
It's a high dose form of whitening supplement. Nuwhite is more advanced, concentrated whitening formula. Its softgel capsule is bigger than most of the glutathione capsules available in the market today ensuring precision of dosage to give you the best result in the shortest time.

Whitening - They say that you can have a fairer skin in just 28 days and I must say that this was very effective if you will compare this to some whitening supplements I have taken before. I already tried Ishigaki L-Glutathione and Detox White. Ishigaki L-Glutathione can help you to have a fairer skin but you need also to take Vitamin C because if you will not, you will have a yellowish tone. Detox White can also help you to have a lighter skin but as I've notice when I finished the bottle, I achieve a little lighter skin so I must say that NuWhite is very effective ion me. Nuwhite help me to lighten my skin tone faster and better than Ishigaki L-Glutathione and Detox White. I have a morena skin tone so I'm embracing it but I want also to have whiter skin like others. My college friends also notice that my skin tone become more lighter and brighter. If you are a young adult takers like me, I suggest to take 1 capsule per day because our body system is too young to intake 2 capsules with high dosages.

Anti acne - When I was in high school, I also experience acne problems on my back. I know the feeling of being in pain and insulted. Some people that has an acne problem until now are still experiencing it. My acne problems had gone before I enter college and I must say that I was very happy about it. Now I am taking this supplement to achieve a whiter skin and to prevent acne to come back (hahaha).

Improving sleeping habits - As young as now, I am taking care of my body because as my mom says, "Take care your body as young as today so that you can have a better and healthier body in the future". I keep that saying everyday in my mind. Before I slept at 12am midnight imagine that. I'm too addicted to phone games before because I wanted my self to keep my mind working but I haven't think that even though I keep my mind to work, I'm also keeping my body stressed and lack on sleep. I think this capsule helps me to have a better sleep.

Skin Refining Properties -Want to reduce fine lines, smoothen wrinkles and remove age spots? Then you are on the right product. When I enter college, I experience to have some wrinkles under my eye because of lack of sleep and depression on school but since I use this supplement I can sleep peacefully that help me to remove it. I believe in saying that when you get enough of sleep, eat a healthy diet and take care of your body, your skin will become more younger and fresher.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★  Whitening
★ ★ ★ ★ ★  Anti acne
★ ★ ★ ★ ★  Improving sleeping habits
★ ★ ★ ★ ★  Skin Refining Properties
★ ★ ★ ★ ★  Overall Experience

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  1. I never did get Glutathiones, but maybe that's just because I'm already very, very pale. Any whiter and I'll look a sickly piece of chalk. But thanks to your post, I see there are other benefits as well. Will definitely consider it now.
    -Gino of www.dropdeaddapper.com

  2. I've heard NU products, but I never know they have Glutathione. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I was actually curious ever since Gluta trended in the market. But it's expensive kaya soap with gluta nalang muna. HAHA LOL

    xx, Janine | Wandering Ella

  4. Thanks to this review, haven't tried any Gluta capsules but now I might get to try one :)

  5. I have never tried Gluta products yet because If i did, I will look more pale haha.. unless gluta can eliminate eye bags and dark circles.. I really want to get rid of them hehe
    Thanks for the nice product review!

  6. I've never try the glutathione product, because i think a friend of mine told not to use, hehe

  7. I used to be so obsessed about having lighter but I'm now older and got over it haha... Now I see beauty in whatever color but it's okay if some people still want to be white, to each his own I guess.

  8. Nice review! Never really tried whitening pills but this is helpful in case I consider taking one in the future. Thanks!

  9. I never tried oral glutathione yet but ive had several IV shots of gluta years back... Il check this out.. I was about to try ishigaki but this sounds interesting... Thanks for sharing!

  10. I've tried oral glutathione once but I am so lazy when it comes to maintenance. But I noticed that my health got better, and I had become more energetic.

  11. Awesome review! Although because of outdoor activities I don't usually use whitening products :)

  12. Someone told me that glutathiaon is supposedly good for the liver, the whitening is just a side effect - ASKSonnie | My latest post: How Bloggers Can Avoid Shabby Treatment

  13. Love your review. Very useful!

  14. Very helpful. I am a glutathione user myself and currently enjoying positive results.
