Lapalette Softly Moisture One Step Cleansing Water Review

P866.15/$ (150ml)
Where to buy: (Exclusive 25% off)

Product Description: Softly Moisture One Step Cleansing Water is a clear and transparent skin with alkaline ionized water. Alkaline ionized water increases moisture in the skin and refreshingly cleanses skin impurities and makeup. This also forms moisture barrier on the skin after cleansing.

Review: For the year 2018, this is my first time trying out Cleansing Water in my life. I never expected that this Skin Regimen is really needed to be added on my Skincare Routine because Cleansing Water have many ways to protect your skin. First is Cleansing, I immediately use this one after washing my face with or without makeup to remove the excessive residue. Second you can also use this as a facial mist. Since my Mario Badescu Rose Water Spray bottle is empty, this is my alternative to refresh my face anytime and anywhere. Lastly, You can also use this before applying makeup to moisten and protect your face before the application of makeup. See the video below xx

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