Travel Essentials for Summer

What time is it, it's Summer time! I am sure that a lot of you have a lot of trips planned this summer. Since a lot of you know that my birth month is April which is summertime, I have planned a lot of beach trips with my family and friends to enjoy this vacation lovin' the sun and the sea. Here are some travel essentials that can help you pack your things conveniently.


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Toiletries consist of basic products such as Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Lotion and Soap. But we all know that bringing all those full sized products can make your bags heavier, I suggest to buy a travel size kit to save space on your bag. Don't forget to bring sunscreens!

Electronic Devices
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We want to document our trip through photos so better bring just a few important devices. Don't forget to bring a powerbank and a charger.

Medicine Kit
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First aid kit is really important because you can treat ailments and injuries that might happen before, during or after the trip. Better than safe than never!


Our eyes are sensitive. Prolonged exposure to sun can lead to a variety of ailments so we need sunnies to protect our eyes from harmful UV rays at the same time it is a great fashion piece. For girls, wearing a hat can add more volume and beauty while protecting your face and eyes from the sun.


If your travel plans take you abroad or even local destination, you will definitely bring your passport. Some people bring their important documents with them for their safety and for the good of their family. Some important documents are Life Insurance, Medical Card, Stocks and Bonds, Checking and Savings Account and etc.

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Last but not the least are Clothes. Clothing is important because it reflects an individual's culture, personality and preferences. Bring everything you need and never forget to bring extra undergarments for hygienic purposes.

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